
Teachers sentenced to inadequate punishment for sexually abusing imprisoned teachers – Pogo

Teachers sentenced to inadequate punishment for sexually abusing imprisoned teachers – Pogo

The Pogo women’s group on Thursday criticized what it called an inappropriate sentence after a teacher was convicted 4.5 years in prison for sexually abusing his students.

“Sexual offenses against underage girls cannot be dealt with leniently and punishments must be severe. They should act as a deterrent and send a clear message to all perpetrators and society,” the Akel-affiliated group said in a statement.

A day earlier, a 59-year-old chemistry teacher was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison by the criminal court in Limassol.

He was found guilty of sexual abuse and exploitation of persons under the age of 15 and sexual molestation of a child.

The teacher had been nine of his students reported in 2022.

The crimes occurred during his class.

Pogo called the decision worrying “as it does not reflect the necessary seriousness with which such crimes should be treated.”

“We firmly believe that legislation must be strengthened and penalties increased to effectively protect the rights and dignity of women and child victims.”

It required serious and In-depth review of penalties for sexual offenses. “We call on the state to act immediately and introduce stricter penalties that will act as a deterrent and strengthen the sense of justice and security in society.”

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