
A Sandy Springs officer campaigns against child trafficking on a cross-country charity trip

A Sandy Springs officer campaigns against child trafficking on a cross-country charity trip

A Sandy Springs police officer takes off his badge and puts on his bike helmet for a good cause. He will ride his bike almost halfway across the country to raise money to fight child trafficking.

Next Wednesday, everything goes smoothly for Officer Janssen Redcay, who will drive from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula back to Sandy Springs.

“I’m raising money,” Redcay said.

He’s doing it to raise $10,000 in donations for Zoe International, an outreach group that combats child trafficking.

Officer Redclay is partially cycling across America to raise money for Zoe International, a nonprofit that fights child trafficking.

Officer Redcay says he is prepared and ready to go. It won’t be his first time doing such a hike. In 2022, he made a similar trip from Austin, Texas.

“I prepared for about six months,” Redcay said. He covers many miles every day. “I drive 35-40 miles before work. I am a bicycle officer. I do my 10-hour shifts on a mountain bike and on the weekends I do my long rides.”

Redcay will cycle for ten days from October 23rd to November 2nd.

“At the very beginning, I will cover a lot of mileage in the first five days. If I can, I’ll probably do up to 180 miles a day,” he said.

Redcay, the father of an 8-year-old daughter, says seeing children forced to do the unthinkable motivates him to do everything he can to fight human trafficking.

Officer Redclay is partially cycling across America to raise money for Zoe International, a nonprofit that fights child trafficking.

“As a father, it breaks my heart. “I don’t do this as a police officer, I just happen to be a police officer,” he explained. “I do this as a father or as a fellow human being.”

Redcay drives in his free time. So far he has raised more than $2,000. A going-away party for him will be held Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m. at O’Reilly’s Public House in Sandy Springs. If you would like to donate, you can send money to Zoe International.

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