
Mother accuses gym teacher of attacking her daughter at school

Mother accuses gym teacher of attacking her daughter at school

SAN ANTONIO – The mother of an Edgewood Independent School District middle school student claims her daughter was attacked by her physical education teacher.

She brought those concerns to the school board on Tuesday.

Carolann Reyes said an issue between her daughter and the Brentwood Middle School physical education teacher nearly three weeks ago could have been a simple phone call home. Instead, she said her daughter was attacked and embarrassed. Now she wants the school district to take action.

Reyes’ 11-year-old daughter was in the locker room of the middle school gym, wearing a plain T-shirt instead of her gym uniform. She said the girls’ coach made rude comments to the girl before grabbing her wrist and pulling her.

Reyes said her daughter then called her from the bathroom in tears.

“She’s a good kid,” Reyes said. “To feel so ashamed and as a parent to know that someone is judging them for wearing a t-shirt is very hurtful because they don’t know what’s going on at home.”

Carolann said she immediately went to school to get answers. But I haven’t heard anything comforting from district officials.

“Their communication is at zero,” she explained. “Every day they call one after the other. Every day in their face they want answers, there is nothing.”

In a statement from the EISD, officials said the claims made against the PE coach were without merit.

But Carolann doesn’t give up. She still requests a meeting with the district leader and says her daughter hasn’t been to school since that day.

She adds that she will only feel better if the coach faces an unpaid suspension.

Full statement from Edgewood ISD…

“Edgewood ISD is aware of claims made against an employee of the Brentwood STEAM School of Innovation. Campus police and school administrators investigated the claims and determined they were unfounded. School administrators met with everyone involved and welcome the opportunity to speak with them again. The safety of all students, staff and faculty is the EISD Police’s top priority. Report suspicious activity anonymously 24 hours a day to EISD Police -898-2027.”

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