
I’m afraid that Kingdom Hearts 4 will be like Kingdom Hearts 3.

I’m afraid that Kingdom Hearts 4 will be like Kingdom Hearts 3.

I’ve waited a long time, long Time to talk about it Kingdom Hearts 3. 13 years. I’ve waited 13 years for the sequel Kingdom Hearts 2 – a game that combines everything I loved about gaming back then. It had great scope, had larger-than-life villains, and still felt like Sora was a character and not a vehicle for jokes and stupid questions.

I was even a fan of the Reaction Commands in KH2! As much as people claim to hate quick-time events, Commands gave boss encounters a cinematic feel. To this day I still quote random Xemnas lines from that game! “Nothingness… is eternal.” There was so much to love Kingdom Hearts – silly, convoluted plot and all! Then, Kingdom Hearts 3 came along and destroyed my goodwill for the franchise.

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Kingdom Hearts 3 is a shell of its former self

I’ll start with the plot since it’s the big running gag of the series. I love that Metal Gear Solid Series; I like narratives that are too complex! But Kingdom Hearts 3 stays longer than expected and ends up with minimal net profits.

Screenshot: Square Enix

If you can believe it, there was a time when Disney was part of it Kingdom Hearts Equation actually meant something. These elements were woven into the overarching madness – allowed to breathe and move Sora and the plot forward. In KH3the plot doesn’t actually begin until the last few hours of the game, once we’ve gotten past all the stupid Disney stuff. Then, after hours of filler and side content disguised as the main plot, the game remembers that there are also handheld and mobile games for closure.

It doesn’t help that Sora can’t develop as a character. Say what you will about the silly idiot, but at least he always had more to do than argue with Donald. If this is supposed to be his “last hurray” (spoiler alert: it wasn’t), shouldn’t he be more challenged in the final installment of the “trilogy”? But okay, you might think of that as “pedantic” or “Well, you apparently “Were not paying attention!” How about the fact that the game has no soul?

an exercise in corporate fraud

Kingdom Hearts 3 is the emptiest, blandest ghost of what the series once was. It’s as if someone put everything that was great about the show in a blender, poured it into a cup, accidentally spilled most of it, had some left over, and said, “…Well, if we maybe Add water, no one will notice? ”

If I go to Monstropolis, do you know what I expect to do? Go through some damn door portals. You want to tell me one of the coolest things Monsters, Inc.I can’t even do it? Instead I fight Randall. Oops, no, sorry. I’m fighting against an “unversed” Work for Randall. Great.

Screenshot: Square Enix

When you go to Toy Box, you can expect a variety of interesting action figures and toys. Yes, you fight, what, one or two? However, most of the time you’re fighting robots from a video game in the universe. In a deserted shopping center. This was the time to pull out all the stops. Wouldn’t it have been cool to sneak through a crowd and have to press triangle to “play dead” when they saw you? Or, if you don’t like that idea, why couldn’t the level be set primarily at Pizza Planet?

The wasted potential of Kingdom Hearts

What I’m getting at is Kingdom Hearts 3 I had the chance to give it my all and make every world a unique experience. Instead, the only Disney villains I fought were the Elemental Titans at the beginning and Davy Jones. Everything else was a big, stupid heartless/nobody/unversed. Mother Gothel? Transforms into a Heartless. Hans (who doesn’t even have voiced lines)? Transforms into a Heartless.

And for a long time I thought I was crazy for thinking all that because it felt like everyone else liked it! It was well-reviewed, it got people excited about the future of the franchise, and I couldn’t help but think, “…This product? This skin walker pretending to be one Kingdom Hearts?”

People fallen that the game decided: “Oh no, The Organization XIII was a fake! Here is the one real Organization This is the storyline: the player watching Sora watch a Disney movie.

Screenshot: Square Enix


I know this is a hit for a game that most people seem to enjoy. But I mainly want Kingdom Hearts 4 to bring the franchise back to its creative roots. Back to the thrill of beating a Disney villain with a Keyblade. I want to feel the magic again. I’m just so passionate about my dislike of it Kingdom Hearts 3 because I want the show to be the reason most people fall in love with it in the first place.

That’s it. I hope Kingdom Hearts 4 is a return to form! I want to like the franchise again. I’m a disappointed, angry, deceased fan, yes. But I can be won back, Nomura. Prove me wrong, King.

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