
Why all the attack ads? – Newton Daily News

Why all the attack ads? – Newton Daily News

I’m getting tired of political advertising on social media. What bothers me most are the attack ads full of misrepresentations and outright lies!

In my district, Christina Bohannan and the Democratic Party are making false statements about Marianette Miller-Meeks, and it must stop.

One of the lies being spread is that Miller-Meeks supposedly voted against capping the price of insulin. That’s not true, Dr. Miller-Meeks joined Democrats in voting for the Affordable Insulin Now Act, which caps the price at $35.

Another lie Bohannan spreads about Miller-Meeks is that she is an “extremist” and wants to ban all abortions without exception. That is not true! I applaud Marianette’s pro-life stance, which provides exceptions for rape, incest and the mother’s health. She also promotes alternatives with her contraceptive laws and advocates IVF. The extremist is Christina Bohannan, who supports abortion throughout the entire pregnancy cycle.

Topics I want to hear Bohannan’s honesty on include her stance on the southern border and allowing illegals to take jobs away from middle-class workers. Allowing men to participate in women’s sports and the Second Amendment. Why she donated money to the Prairieland Freedom Fund and promoted the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which supported protesters in the Minnesota riots and defunded the police.

I prefer candidates to be honest. I support candidates who tell the truth. That’s why I’m voting for Marianette Miller-Meeks!

Jim Farland


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