
Documents Show Lavish Spending on Wages and Benefits for Longshoremen’s Union Officials • New Jersey Monitor

Documents Show Lavish Spending on Wages and Benefits for Longshoremen’s Union Officials • New Jersey Monitor

The three day one Dock workers strike which threatened to grind the American economy to a halt, was a dramatic victory for 45,000 East Coast longshoremen who now face a 60% pay rise by 2030.

The tentative dealThe agreement between ocean shippers and the International Longshoremen’s Association raises the top wage for workers at the New York-New Jersey docks and more than 30 other ports from Maine to Texas to $45 an hour next year. At that rate, longshoremen working a 40-hour week would earn up to $93,600 per year.

But even with this significant increase, the wages of rank-and-file union members will fall far short of the compensation of a cadre of International Longshoremen’s Association executives, who earn hundreds of thousands a year while enjoying lavish travel and entertainment benefits that include tickets to the New York Yankees, Limousine service and New York Athletic Club memberships.

In 2023 alone, thirty top executives at the union assigned to its North Bergen headquarters — including 25 vice presidents with annual salaries of $554,000 each — received more than $9 million in salaries and other compensation, it says U.S. Department of Labor Reports reviewed by New Jersey Monitor.

The reports indicate that several senior union officials are paid to hold multiple leadership positions simultaneously, including high-paying “emeriti” positions for previous service with local unions. Many family members of senior executives have found a place on the ILA’s payroll, which was funded by $38 million in union dues and other fees last year. Last year, the union even hired a former member who was serving prison time after a federal fraud conviction.

ILA President Harold J. Daggett, a friend and political ally of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, received compensation of more than $855,261 for his leadership duties last year. The Federal records show As president emeritus of ILA Local 1804-1, Daggett received an additional $194,155.

Daggett’s son Dennis received $785,877 last year for his dual leadership roles as president of Local 1804-1 and executive vice president of the ILA. Another Daggett son, John Daggett, was paid $642,631 for two leadership positions, vice president of the ILA Atlantic Coast District and vice president of Local 1804-1.

Daggett’s daughter, Lisa Daggett Bess, earned $210,383 as the union’s “director of political affairs.”

Union critics and law enforcement officials who have tracked illegal racketeering at the docks for decades say the staggering salaries and expenses reflect the growing power of a single family over a major American union. They point out that the ILA reached new heights of swagger and political influence during Harold Daggett’s thirteen-year tenure as union president.

They point out that Daggett has long been one of the highest-paid union leaders in the country. His pay exceeds that of colleagues like United Auto Workers’ Shawn Fain, who earns about $200,000, and Sean O’Brien, head of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, who reportedly earned a salary of $250,352 last year.

“The union money is simply a piggy bank for Harold and his family,” said Walter Arsenault, a former prosecutor who prosecuted crime on the docks for 15 years as head of the now-defunct New York Harbor Waterfront Commission.

The 70-year-old two-state agency went out of business last year after New Jersey withdrew, arguing it had lost its usefulness and that its aggressive policing was hurting business.

“The fact is that there is little control over the activities of the union and its leaders,” Arsenault said. “Harold Daggett threatens to close the ports and comes back a few days later with a 60% raise. With that kind of power, paying union members don’t care how much he pays himself or his family. They think he’s the greatest.”

Daggett declined an interview. However, an ILA attorney defended the union leader’s salary, pointing out that Daggett’s compensation was voted on and approved by ILA members and reflected his “remarkable” performance in securing concessions for workers and improving overall union finances.

“When Harold took over as ILA president in 2011, the union was facing significant financial difficulties,” attorney Michael Critchley said in a written statement to the New Jersey Monitor. “Under his leadership, the ILA has not only recovered but thrived, and its finances are stronger than ever thanks to his keen business acumen.”

According to Critchley, during Daggett’s tenure, the union’s net assets increased 307%, adjusted for inflation, while his salary increases were only about 1% per year.

“The ILA has flourished under his leadership,” he said.

Striking longshoremen at the Maher Terminal in Elizabeth on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. (Photo by Mark Bonamo for New Jersey Monitor)

Daggett, 78, is a fourth-generation longshoreman from Sussex County who has cracked down on ocean-going vessels and federal prosecutors who have unsuccessfully tried to implicate him in mob-fueled waterfront brawls. Under Daggett, the union has won the enthusiastic support of key political leaders, most notably President Biden and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who supported the longshoremen’s strike earlier this month even as it threatened to grind the economy to a halt.

As the owner of a multi-million dollar mansion and a 76-foot yacht called “Obsession,” Daggett attacks shipping companies and port operators as “money-crazy” profiteers. Before the strike, Daggett and his top lieutenants posted photos on social media of themselves holding placards that read, “Profit over people is unacceptable.”

In one Speech full of obscenities Last year at the ILA’s national convention in Hollywood, Florida, Daggett issued a stark warning that he intended to cripple port trade if his demands for more money and less automation were not met.

“Mark my words!” There will be an explosion,” Daggett said. “Someone has to take the bull by the horns, and that’s me…Don’t worry about the maritime unions around the world. We will shut you down!”

Daggett’s speech was followed the next evening by a compassionate keynote speech from Murphy, who praised Daggett as a “dear friend” and “partner in growing New Jersey’s economy.”

Federal records show the union spent more than $6 million to stage the lavish convention The Diplomat Beach Resort, a hotel that bills itself as “a seaside paradise in sunny South Florida.” Expenses for the gala included more than $200,000 in airline tickets, approximately $45,000 in limousines and more than $500,000 in merchandise and marketing materials for convention attendees.

A Maryland company hired to film the event and provide video services received $1.3 million. Forty union dignitaries who served as sergeants during the four-day meeting received payments totaling more than $300,000.

Among them was Paul S. Moe, a former ILA dock foreman, who receive a two-year federal prison sentence following a 2018 conviction for fraudulent collection of $500,000 per year (he served three months). Prosecutors said Moe worked just eight hours a week and spent the rest of his time fishing in his boat off the Atlantic Highlands or vacationing in Aruba.

Last July, Moe received $10,000 as Sergeant at Arms during the ILA convention. His son, Paul Moe Jr., also received $6,000 for serving as a sergeant, federal records show.

The ILA’s generous spending last year wasn’t just limited to Florida. The union’s other expenses include: $4.6 million in legal fees, $906,000 for “lobbying and political activities,” $44,609 to the Grand Opryland Resort in Nashville, $31,958 to KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Scandinavian Airlines and $199,992 to a retired U.S. district judge Dennis Cavanaugh for his role as “ILA Ethical Practices Officer”.

The union also spent $131,520 on Yankees “stadium tickets” last year and $145,000 in 2022, when union members also paid $20,000 in “membership dues” to the New York Athletic Club.

Under the tentative collective agreement announced on October 3, the ILA and the shipping industry agreed to extend the union’s existing six-year employment contract until January 15. Among the problems still to be solved is the use of automated systems for the handling of port cargo. Daggett promises to continue to take action against the new technologies.

“We will not tolerate the loss of our members’ jobs and livelihoods due to automation,” the union said last week. “Our position is clear: the preservation of jobs and historical work functions is non-negotiable.”

The Port of New Jersey and New York, now the second largest in the United States, handles nearly $300 billion worth of cargo each year

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