
One year since the October 7 attack: Solidarity event pushes for hostage release – Israel News

One year since the October 7 attack: Solidarity event pushes for hostage release – Israel News

Families of hostages, dozens of ambassadors and senior diplomats attended a solidarity event in Tel Aviv for the families of the hostages, marking one year since the Oct. 7 attack on Sunday evening.

The rally was hosted by actor Lior Ashkenazi, who leads the demonstration for the release of the hostages in Tel Aviv almost every Saturday evening. Opposition leader Yair Lapid also spoke at the event.

Orly Gilboa, mother of kidnapped soldier Daniella Gilboa, spoke: “My beautiful, good, talented and loving daughter was held hostage for three hundred and seventy-three days. Daniella celebrated her 20th birthday in the Gaza Tunnels and I ask you to remember what you were like at that age.

“Look at me and think about how your mother would react if you didn’t come home or called when you were late. Not only have we lived in complete darkness as to where my daughter is for over a year – the only thing we know is that she is in the hands of pure evil, constantly threatened with weapons and constantly at risk of sexual abuse and is subjected to torture.”

Daniella Gilboa (Source: Courtesy)

She continued, addressing the women still held hostage by Hamas: “Of the one hundred and one hostages, there are 13 women still in Gaza, of whom we believe and hope that 10 are alive, and everything, all we can do is pray” for their safety. Ten women living in constant fear, suffering abuse and being held in violation of international law. Neither the UN, the Red Cross nor any of the many human rights and women’s rights organizations have managed to visit them, check their health or simply provide us with basic information. None of them succeeded, and most of them didn’t even try. My little girl, just five feet tall, has been held hostage by Hamas for a year. I won’t let her forget; I will not rest until she returns to my arms.”

Families of hostages demand immediate action

At the end of her speech, Gilboa called on the international community to act: “I do not need your pity, I do not need your thoughts and prayers.” I ask you to act immediately to save my Daniella and many others. Be active after this event or even in this moment. Consider what immediate measures you can take to promote the release of my Daniella and all of the hostages. Do what you would do to save your own children and do the right thing.”

Simon Walters, the British ambassador to Israel, said at the event: “Tonight we stand in solidarity with the families of the hostages as they face the terrible milestone of a year since October 7th. We must not forget the hostages and their families, even amid the new fronts that have shifted global attention. We urgently need action. The current situation is unbearable. It is time for an agreement that allows the safe return of the hostages, an end to the fighting and the flow of more aid to Gaza, and ensures that Hamas does not grow stronger. We have to get her home now.”

Ilai David, the brother of Evitar who is being held hostage in Gaza, said: “I wake up every day without my brother and this is the most painful reminder that he was kidnapped.” He hasn’t been here for a long time. His friends are dying and Evitar is in Gaza. They are still hungry and still in danger of being executed. I know Evitar will come home. Take our stories and pass them on because we don’t have much time left.”

Luis Har, the released hostage, expressed his gratitude: “I thank the IDF soldiers and the State of Israel for their release and the State of Argentina for the indescribably warm and loving embrace that Uruguay has given us.” We were in Gaza only a few minutes from home, but then again we were so far away. We couldn’t lose hope, and we couldn’t lose hope in bringing back all the hostages.”

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