
The wilderness could have been the next thing lost

The wilderness could have been the next thing lost

Below we will talk about sexual assault and abuse.

Lost is experiencing something of a renaissance since it found a new streaming home on Netflix and was released Get lost Documentary in which cast and crew members look back at the sensational ABC television series. 14 years have passed since then Lost ended with its controversial series finale and remains one of the most culturally influential series of all time due to its plot twists and character depth. Many shows have tried to reproduce it LostWhile the company has been very successful in recent years, nothing has quite lived up to its standards. However, a show could have been just as big Lost if it had a chance to let its story marinate: The Wilderness.

The Wilderness was an Amazon Prime Video show that only ran for two seasons on the streaming service, from 2020 to 2022. The first season was entirely about a group of teenage girls whose plane crashed on the way to a young woman’s empowerment retreat and who are forced to work together on a desert island to survive. The second season still features the girls, but introduces a group of boys who were also involved in a plane crash and stranded on an island. But the second season was not as well received as the first, as the boy and girl storylines were oddly balanced and the series contained new revelations about the cause of the crashes. The Wilderness maybe not quite like that LostThere is no attempt to save it either Lost fame, but building the series’ biggest mystery had the potential to create an unforgettable legacy.

Like Lost, The Wilds follows a dysfunctional group on a deserted island

The cast of Wilds with complex backstories that shape their character arcs

The founding of Lost wasn’t exactly the mystery of the smoke monster, the hatch, or the menacing properties of the island itself. It was the characters who drove the story forward by learning more about each other and their goals on the island. The island was a way for her to rediscover herself in a way that society could never provide. “Fate vs. free will” was a recurring debate between Jack Shepherd and John Locke, but it was their “fate” to be on the island, particularly with the people they had crash-landed with or other residents who had already were there. Without the characters and their backstories that connect everyone to each other and to the island, Lost wouldn’t have had the magic ingredient to last for six seasons.

The Wilderness actually follows a very similar format to Lostwhich could have been a great inspiration for the Prime Video series. Each episode tells the backstory of a specific teenager stranded on the island, revealing more about their life and the events that led them to the Dawn of Eve program for young women or the Twilight of Adam program for young men . The backstories are intended to make it clear that the crash is ultimately a good thing for the teenagers. Each of them had some kind of problem in their normal lives.


The 10 Best Supporting Characters in Lost, Ranked

Lost is notable for its great character work, and that extends to the supporting characters that helped make the series so memorable.

Eliminating societal expectations and modern problems forces teenagers to re-evaluate their lives when faced with extreme conditions. Every teenager has their own unique story that makes them a distinctive caricature. Some of them aren’t exactly likable these days, be it Fatin because she refuses to help the group as a “rich, pretty” girl, or Shelby who is unapologetically homophobic. But their backstories add nuance to their characters and explain why they are the way they are.

Fatin was a musical prodigy and lived up to her parents’ high expectations, but her father was having an affair. Shelby also held back because of her Christian family and Rachel suffered from bulimia. Nora’s ex-boyfriend died at a fraternity, and Dot was the caregiver for her dying father. Martha was sexually abused by her trainer and Leah had a relationship with a much older man. All of these events convinced either the parents or the teenagers themselves that they needed to spend time in the woman’s retreat. But the brochure never stated that it was the woman’s place of retreat.

In “The Wilds” there is no supernatural, but there is a decent mystery

Gretchen’s social experiment is The Wilds’ DHARMA initiative

Gretchen in her office for the experiment on The Wilds


The philosophy of “Lost” explains the true meaning of the story

Lost was a series with a powerful narrative that lasted for many years. But his philosophy also had a deeper meaning overall.

Right away, the series premiere of The Wilderness teases that the teens were part of a social experiment led by a former college professor named Gretchen Klein. For Gretchen, the experiment was a revolutionary way to prove to government leaders and scientists that women make better leaders than men, even in the worst cases. By observing the girls and boys as separate control groups, she was able to determine how quickly the girls adapted to surviving on the island more quickly than the boys. Technically, their hypothesis wasn’t wrong.

While the boys dealt with Seth sexually abusing another boy on the island, the girls built community and formed relationships. But at the same time, some of the girls gradually became mentally unstable as it became clear that no one would come to save them. The WildernessThe social experiment isn’t a smoke monster or cursed numbers, but it comes eerily close Lost‘s DHARMA Initiative. The experiment is the backbone of the plane crash and the answer to all of the teenagers’ questions.

Gretchen and her staff used agents as spies in the groups to ensure everyone stayed alive for legal reasons, but even that failed horribly on the first day. The driving force of the series is learning why the experiment exists and the hope that the teenagers can escape it. Gretchen’s influential power to control the narrative and hold the teenagers captive without their loved ones’ knowledge is as frightening as the time-warping elements of Lost.

“The Wilds” ends with a frustrating cliffhanger

Prime Video is leaving the rest of “The Wilds” to viewers’ imaginations

Leah and the other survivors on a rooftop in The Wilds


The 10 best facts you never knew about Lost

Lost is one of the most groundbreaking shows of the early 2000s, but there are still some behind-the-scenes secrets that the series never fully revealed.

What a flaw The Wilderness‘ social issues like free will and gender assumptions that could have stood aside Lost is the fact that it was canceled too soon. The second season was not as well received as the first season due to the boys’ storyline. Fans became emotionally attached to the girls, who had to sit on the sidelines, giving the boys enough time for backstory and current challenges. The boys simply weren’t as interesting as the girls and didn’t have the ability to have in-depth discussions about teenage existentialism. But that doesn’t mean the boys’ act was completely useless. In fact, it could have served a greater purpose if The Wilderness has been extended for at least another season.

In the second season finale (which was ultimately the series finale), information about Gretchen’s experiment is leaked to Leah’s friend, who passes it on to the FBI. There is more than enough evidence that Gretchen is violating numerous laws, including kidnapping of minors, endangering minors, and possibly even child pornography, as some of the teens were caught on cameras having sex. Any scientist would have scoffed at her experiment because she prioritized psychological and physical trauma over factual evidence. But just as the boys and girls meet and realize that they are not the only subjects, Gretchen escapes on a plane. The boys and girls find themselves on a new island while Seth oversees the experiment.

The Wilderness According to an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the showrunners had a plan for the third season. Although they didn’t reveal too many details, there was talk that Nora would return and deal with how 14 teenagers of different genders work together to survive. For context, the second season finale of Lost I just introduced the Others and the revelation that Penny was looking for Desmond. If The Wilderness survived for so long LostThis could have just been the start of strange fan theories that sparked a cultural phenomenon. But TV shows can’t ride out the bumps in the road in the world of streaming. It becomes a story as old as time, and The Wilderness was one of the unluckiest victims of it.

“The Wilds” is available to stream on Prime Video. Lost is available to stream on Hulu, Disney+ and Netflix.

  • the-wilds-poster.jpg

    The Wilderness

    “The Wilds” is a drama series created for Amazon Prime Video. After a plane crash strands them on a deserted island, a group of teenage girls from different walks of life and the world must find a way to work together to survive. As they battle the elements and each other, they are unaware that their arrival on the island was planned – and the entire experience is under the control of a shadowy figure.

  • Lost TV Show Poster

    The survivors of a plane crash must work together to survive on a seemingly deserted tropical island.

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