
Deaf man with cerebral palsy violently attacked by police after being falsely accused of assault [Video]

Deaf man with cerebral palsy violently attacked by police after being falsely accused of assault [Video]

In a shocking incident that sparked widespread outrage, Tyron McAlpinA black man who is deaf and has cerebral palsy is charged with aggravated assault and resisting arrest after a violent encounter with Phoenix police officers.

Body camera footage from the August 19, 2024His arrest reveals a deeply disturbing scene: McAlpin is struck at least ten times, Tasered four times and placed in a chokehold. This violent escalation occurs because he has difficulty understanding the officers’ orders, not out of spite, but because of his disability.

Even more disturbing, this brutality was the result of false accusations from a white man who was later found to have fabricated the attack. McAlpin’s lawyers have rejected officers’ claims that he “threw punches” and took a fighting stance, calling those claims patently false. The video clearly shows McAlpin trying to protect himself from unprovoked violence.

“The answer is simple. He is deaf. He couldn’t understand what they were doing. And he had done nothing wrong,” McAlpin’s attorney said. Jesse Showalterexplained. “All I see in this video is that Tyron was just trying to avoid harm from these officers and that only caused them to escalate the force they used.”

This case follows a damning Department of Justice report that highlighted systemic problems within the Phoenix Police Department, including excessive use of force, racial bias and mistreatment of people with disabilities. Despite these findings, the department appears to be redoubling its efforts and filing charges against McAlpin without considering the context of his disabilities.

As McAlpin’s legal team continues its fight for justice, this incident could become a crucial test case for police accountability and require a reevaluation of how disabled people are treated in confrontational situations.

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