
Collecting, transporting and processing DNA on fired cartridge cases

Collecting, transporting and processing DNA on fired cartridge cases

Case Grabber CSI tool

by Alexander Jason, MFS, CSCSA, F-AAFS

DNA analysis of fired cartridge cases has become an increasingly valuable tool for forensic investigations. While DNA processing has presented challenges in the past, recent advances in collection, packaging and transportation methods have shown that there is high potential for recovering actionable DNA profiles from these pieces of evidence.

The technology to effectively process DNA from bullet casings has made great strides. A comprehensive study1 The study, published in 2022, showed that using a new recovery method, about 67% of fired casings recovered from crime scenes yielded an usable DNA profile. Another older study2 A 2015 study conducted by the San Diego Police Department using a less effective processing method found a 30% success rate.

Traditionally, casings have been examined for fingerprints (rarely successfully) and tool marks that can link the casing to a specific firearm. However, DNA analysis offers another powerful opportunity for identification that should not be overlooked. DNA has the potential to directly link a suspect to the crime scene. When a firearm is loaded, the person handling the ammunition may leave traces of DNA on the cartridges through skin cells or other biological material. If this DNA can be recovered and profiled, it could locate a suspect at the scene of the shooting and/or link him to the weapon used.

In cases where there are no known suspects, DNA profiles obtained from bullet casings could be run through DNA databases to potentially identify the shooter. Even partial profiles can provide clues relevant to the investigation or link several crime scenes to the same unknown perpetrator. In a study of Shotspotter activations, no suspects were located at the identified locations, but fired cartridge cases were found. In the San Diego study, collection and DNA processing of the recovered casings led to the identification of a shooter.

Advances in DNA recovery techniques

Early attempts to recover DNA from fired bullet casings met with limited success. However, recent studies and technological advances have significantly improved the potential for obtaining actionable DNA profiles from this challenging type of evidence through the use of improved extraction and amplification methods. Advances in DNA extraction kits and amplification methods have resulted in greater sensitivity and enable the detection and analysis of smaller amounts of DNA. Some laboratories have implemented modified protocols specifically optimized for low-template DNA samples such as those found on cartridge cases.

In addition, the development of probabilistic genotyping software has significantly improved the ability to interpret complex, low-level, and mixed DNA profiles and enabled more meaningful analysis of the challenging samples often obtained from bullet casings.

New collection devices and extraction protocols have been specifically designed to maximize DNA recovery from the challenging metal surfaces of cartridge cases. Key improvements include:

  • Using a combination of different swab types and rinsing solutions to more effectively collect DNA traces from the case surface
  • Incorporation of additives into the rinsing solution that reduce the degrading effect of copper on the DNA
  • By using techniques such as soaking and sonication, more cellular material is released from the metal.

In the San Diego PD study, 96% of samples contained loader DNA, while 40% of samples were mixtures. From Using soaking techniques to obtain DNA, forensic lab technicians were able to provide interpretable DNA results for 35% of total samples.

Collection and packaging

One cause of poor DNA recovery in fired casing testing is improper casing handling, packaging, and transportation. It is common practice to pack casings in paper envelopes or small cardboard boxes for transport from the crime scene to the laboratory, but this type of packaging creates conditions in which the casing may rub or otherwise come into contact with internal surfaces. A test showed that 56% of the DNA was lost3.

“Overall, this study shows that DNA transfer (i.e., loss) within the package is not just a possibility, but a very likely event under certain conditions,” the study authors concluded.

Given these results, some manufacturers have redesigned case packaging and transportation to avoid the problem. For example, the patented Case Grabber tool provides crime scene investigators with a unique way to safely collect, package and transport spent cases. The housing is held and caught from the inside by specially developed stainless steel spring tweezers. A clear plastic container (tube) is then snapped onto the device handle, which protects the housing surface from contact. The housing is held securely and the tool with the protected housings is safely transported to the laboratory. Once ready for processing, the protective tube can be removed and the cover can then be wiped down, etc.

While the potential benefits are clear, there are several challenges and considerations to consider when wiping fired cartridge cases for DNA.

Best practices for DNA recovery from bullet casings

To maximize the chances of recovering usable DNA from fired cartridge cases, several best practices should be followed:

Shell casings should be collected as soon as possible after the shooting to minimize environmental damage to any DNA present.

  • Proper handling and packaging

Crime scene technicians and evidence handlers should wear appropriate personal protective equipment and avoid touching the surfaces of the enclosures to prevent contamination. An effective method is to pick up the case from the inside. Packaging of evidence should be limited to methods and materials that prevent contact with the exterior surfaces of the cases during transport.

A double swab technique, using a wet and then a dry sterile swab, has been shown to be effective for sampling the entire surface of the enclosure.

Laboratories should use DNA extraction methods that are optimized for samples with low template content and may include additional steps such as the use of spin baskets to maximize DNA recovery. Highly sensitive PCR amplification kits for touch DNA samples could be used to increase the chances of obtaining actionable profiles.

The use of probabilistic genotyping software for interpretation can also help maximize the probative value of complex, low-level DNA profiles often obtained from bullet casings.

Future directions

As technology continues to advance, the potential for recovering DNA from fired cartridge cases is expected to improve. Promising areas of research include techniques that allow DNA amplification directly from the evidence, bypassing the extraction step – which could increase sensitivity and reduce the risk of sample loss.

With increasing success rates and technological advances, bullet casing evidence is expected to become an increasingly valuable tool in criminal investigations. By following best practices – including using collection, packaging and transport tools to protect external trace evidence – and taking new developments into account, forensic laboratories can maximize the chances of recovering important DNA from these small but significant pieces of evidence.

The ability to directly link a suspect to a crime scene through DNA on a fired cartridge case could be the key to solving otherwise difficult cases. Although not every cartridge case will provide a useful profile, the ability to uncover critical evidence in even a fraction of cases justifies the effort of routine DNA swab sampling of fired cartridge cases.

About the Author: Alexander Jason holds a Master of Forensic Sciences (Honours) from National University and is a long-time, board-certified Senior Crime Scene Analyst. He is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and a technical advisor to the Assoc of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners. Jason’s research has been published in many forensic science journals, including the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology and the FBI’s Forensic Science Communications.


1. Recovery of DNA from fired and unfired cartridge cases: Comparison of two DNA collection methods, Elwick, Kyleen et al., Forensic Science International: Genetics, Volume 59, 102726

2. Montpetit S, O’Donnell P. An optimized method for obtaining DNA from fired and unfired ammunition. Forensic Science Int Genet. 2015 July;17:70-74. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2015.03.012. Epub March 25, 2015. PMID: 25828369.

3. An In-depth Analysis of the Root Causes of Interpretation Errors, Peter Gill, Misleading DNA Evidence, Academic Press, 2014,

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