
Mother is prosecuted because she stood up for her autistic son

Mother is prosecuted because she stood up for her autistic son

Only in Jersey. My goodness. Just when you thought the nonsense of COVID and the government’s deadly, dangerous and unnecessary overreach were finally behind us, a mother is attacked. Again.

Gwyneth Murray is a New Jersey attorney and mother of a son with autism and special needs. Lockdowns and orders that defied common sense left many people persecuted for not wearing face coverings or maintaining 6 feet of distance.

Of course, we later learned that the CDC and Dr. Fauci was wrong with many claims and guidelines that led states to treat people as criminals. We quickly learned that the masks were causing harm to many children, from eye infections to skin problems to dangerous educational setbacks for children with special needs.

Gwyneth had numerous experts, medical, psychological and special education advisors, who supported her attempt to remove her son’s mask.

Gwenyth attended Cranford Board of Education meetings and repeatedly attended all school board meetings in what was exposed as a First Amendment protest to remove her child’s mask.

She went through all the right channels: teachers, counselors, principal, and then the principal. Nothing. No help. No compassion. No understanding.

Although many of us already knew the truth about the virus and the absurdity of the regulations and protocols in January and February 2020, at least pretty much all I knew in March 2022. That’s when this mother was arrested and charged.

Following her arrest on March 7, 2022, Gwenyth filed a lawsuit after the school board canceled public posts because Gywenth had been exposed. Gwenyth’s civil suit made its way to the United States Supreme Court. Unfortunately, the case was not heard, leaving her stuck with the Third District Court’s incorrect and ignorant decision.

Cranford officials are now taking up public time and money to conduct a two-day criminal trial of this New Jersey mother. Forgetting the absurdity at the time of the mask on/mask off nonsense, active eating, talking, standing and sitting, it was such theater and ridiculousness.

But now we know without a doubt that the masks have not stopped the spread and in many cases have caused harm. All of these factors should lead to a “not guilty” verdict. And if not, Governor Murphy should pardon this mother and restore the legal authority that the courts have taken away.

This should be a lesson to all Americans. Your government, even at the local level, can be used as a weapon against you if you oppose it. So vote in November as if your freedom and your family depend on it, because they do.

Send President Trump back to the White House and send sound, smart people who value our civil liberties to lead our cities, towns and school boards.

Listen to my conversation with Gwyneth here:

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Gallery photo credit: Erin Vogt

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. All opinions expressed are Bill’s own.

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