
A father’s love: My son has a criminal record

A father’s love: My son has a criminal record

Like all parents, Scott expected the usual from his three sons and their lives.

What he didn’t expect for his youngest son were criminal charges.

“In 2019, he managed to get some alcohol, get drunk, take my car and write it off,” Scott said in our interview.

“He was arrested at age 16 and convicted at age 17 for underage drunk driving and other things. He now has a criminal record.”

Frank, warm and blunt, Scott began to break down as he shared that nothing could prepare one for such an event.

“It’s not a trip I would recommend to anyone,” Scott said. “But you learn a lot about what it means to be a father and how to love unconditionally.

“I am a professing Christian and my worldview is that God loves my son more than I do. My job is to emulate that love as much and as best as I can.”

Be real

Scott wants you to hear his own experiences and challenges to encourage us all to be authentic and not fake or fake.

“I wish people would have real conversations about what’s important in life and acknowledge that life isn’t perfect — and that’s okay,” Scott said. “For some reason, we often try to portray our lives as picture-perfect; Nothing is wrong and there are no problems.”

Scott doesn’t want to paint such a picture.

God with us

He also wants to thank God for helping him with everything life has to offer.

Whether or not someone professes the faith in Jesus that Scott has, he challenged us all to reflect on what sustained and sustained him.

“The Christian faith is the only faith in the world that gives hope,” Scott said. “You don’t have to do anything to be saved. It takes nothing at all for God to love you unconditionally and support you.

“I felt that throughout my journey – as hard as it was – with my son and as a father. I never doubted that God was with me. I never doubted that Jesus had my best interests at heart.”

The article was delivered with thanks to Hope Media.

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