
A tragic lesson on bullying and mental health

A tragic lesson on bullying and mental health

Sibusiso Mbatha’s suicide is a grim reminder of the mental health issues faced by LGBTQ+ youth and the impact of bullying in schools.

It’s no surprise that Mental Health Awareness Month falls in October. Research around the world suggests that most suicides occur in the spring to early summer, which is exactly where we are right now.

The tragic story we record today is a timely reminder that many people around us are experiencing traumatic battles with themselves and depression.

It’s also a reminder that suicidal thoughts are becoming more common among young people – another global trend.

At the same time, 12-year-old Sibusiso Mbatha’s suicide is all the more disturbing because he was driven to it by being mocked and bullied for being gay.

But worst of all, he hanged himself in October last year because he could no longer withstand bullying by one of his teachers at Khehlekile Primary School in Thokoza.

READ ALSO: Limpopo Education is investigating allegations of abuse following the death of a high school graduate

The man was punished and received a final warning and a two-month ban… a punishment that is ridiculous given the consequences of his actions.

But now, almost on the first anniversary of the day Sibusiso hanged himself in a toilet at home, teacher Simon Dhlamini is back at work.

This series of events will tell you everything you need to know about how seriously our education system in Gauteng takes the issue of bullying and how many people in it are still openly homophobic.

This homophobia manifests itself in the kind of bullying and ridicule that can push a suicidal teenager who is already trying to come to terms with his sexuality over the edge.

Teachers – and the education department – ​​need to be reminded that they are constitutionally required to respect the rights and sexual preferences of others.

READ ALSO: Bullying ends fatally: 10-year-old stabbed by 9-year-old in Free State

If necessary, they must be trained to overcome their outdated and dangerous prejudices.

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