
Wednesday’s child – Caleb

Wednesday’s child – Caleb

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – Gary’s Farm Fest is an October tradition in our Wednesday’s Child series.

There we meet 11-year-old Kaleb. As Lori Hutchinson tells us, he’s hoping to find an adoptive family who loves country life.

It wouldn’t be fall without a trip to Gary’s Farm Fest in Grantville. 11-year-old Kaleb is ready to fly from one activity to the next in his Superman t-shirt. He loves to stay busy and find things to do.

“I like watching TV, going out and things like that. I play dodgeball, soccer, run around.”

The same applies to school. Kaleb is in fifth grade and has a lot of likes.

“I like sports, I like running, I like breaks, I like art, I like math.”

When you live in foster care, it’s difficult to make plans for the future. But Caleb knows what he wants: He wants to be adopted by a family that lives outside the city limits.

“Country because I like peace and quiet. I would like someone who has children, a mother and a father, because otherwise I have no one to play with. That they won’t be rude to me. People going to games, stuff like that.”

And people who will be his biggest cheerleaders and give them what all children want: a stable, safe and loving place to call home forever.

If you are able to give a child a family of their own, call Adopt Kansas Kids at 855-236-7857 or visit They also feature children on the “Adopt Kansas Kids” Facebook page. They have photos and biographies of all children, as well as ways to take the first step toward providing a child with a home.

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