
Sapporo boy sexually abused by older boy

Sapporo boy sexually abused by older boy


Sapporo, Oct. 8 (Jiji Press) — A then third-grader at a Sapporo elementary school was sexually assaulted by a then first-grader at the middle school in 2021, a report from the northern Japan city government told Education Tuesday.

The investigation report prepared by an independent panel recognized the case as a serious incident within the meaning of the Act to Promote Measures to Prevent Bullying.

According to the report, the perpetrator had graduated from the victim’s elementary school and the two boys belonged to the same sports group. The older boy sexually assaulted the younger boy three times in May 2021, shortly after the former attended his middle school.

According to the report, the perpetrator stole the victim’s hat and gloves before the incident.

After the victim’s legal guardians consulted the police, an investigation was initiated and the perpetrator was referred to a family court for juvenile proceedings.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

Jiji Press

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