
An employee of a child care facility in Indiana is charged with document falsification

An employee of a child care facility in Indiana is charged with document falsification

CINCINNATI (WXIX) — A former Indiana Department of Child Services evaluator is facing charges after he allegedly falsified documents in five separate cases, some of which involved child abuse.

According to a, between December 21, 2023 and February 15, 2024, Todd Click, 51, forged ten Management Gateway for Indiana Kids (MaGIK) documents and parent/guardian signatures on at least seven Department of Child Services forms Ripley County Affidavit.

The Indiana Office of Inspector General received a complaint from the Department of Child Services on April 11. A police officer was assigned to investigate the case.

Family A

On December 23, 2023, domestic violence occurred in Family A’s home. At the time of the incident, a two-month-old and a two-year-old child were living there.

The affidavit states that Click reported meeting with Family A twice in person and making two phone calls with them between Dec. 24 and Jan. 31, but the mother said those meetings never occurred.

It is also alleged that Click lied when he claimed he tried to visit the family at their home but they were with the family in Ohio for Christmas. The mother told the investigator that she had no relatives in Ohio.

Since the domestic violence situation, Click has only met with Family A on February 15, 2024, the mother said.

Click reported that he discussed a safety plan with the family and gave the mother a required form. However, she says he stood in the doorway for five minutes and never discussed a security plan.

In addition, Click forged the mother’s signature twice.

Family b

A family in Holton reported to the child care hotline on Jan. 22 that their daughter had been “petted” by a family friend.

The affidavit states that Click met Family B in person at their home at 3:30 p.m. However, the father told an investigator that this never happened.

The family also called the child care hotline a second time at 8:30 p.m. and said no one had come to visit them yet. He actually showed up at the house three days later, the affidavit says.

Click is also accused of forging the father’s signature on the “Consent to Interview with Children” form on Jan. 25, which was the only time the father said he saw him.

Family C

Family C consists of an 11-year-old, an 8-year-old, the children’s mother and guardian.

Click reported visiting Family C in Osgood twice: once on Dec. 22, 2023, and again on Jan. 29, court documents say. He also reported that the mother had moved out of the house.

The children’s guardian said she never met Click, and the mother says he never spoke to her children. It was also not true that the mother had moved out.

He is also accused of forging the guardian’s signature twice.

Family D

Click reported meeting a family of six in Batesville on Dec. 21, 2023, the affidavit states.

The mother and grandfather told the investigator that the meeting never took place. The mother added that Click had never been to her home before.

Click is also accused of forging the mother’s signature twice.

E family

On February 13, Click reported that he conducted an in-person interview with a man at his home. A court filing shows the man claims he never met Click and never visited his house.

He added that they spoke by telephone at approximately the specified time.

The Department of Child Care required that this meeting be held in person, the affidavit states.

Click is currently facing multiple charges, including official misconduct, forgery and obstructing a child abuse evaluation.

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