
DC just confirmed exactly how much Robert Pattinson’s Batman has let Gotham down

DC just confirmed exactly how much Robert Pattinson’s Batman has let Gotham down

The penguin has confirmed the dire state of Gotham City after Robert Pattinson’s Batman failed to stop the Riddler’s grand plan The Batman. DCs The penguin starts again The BatmanOnly a few days later, when much of Gotham City was still in a fragile state of recovery, he told the story. The penguin Episode 2 confirmed exactly how dark things are in Gotham, hinting at Batman’s actions at the end The Batman It may have been more harmful than beneficial to the city.

Director: Matt Reeves, The Batman offered a gritty, noir-tinged depiction of Gotham City teetering on the brink of collapse under the pressure of corruption, criminal empires, and mass unrest. Robert Pattinson’s version of Batman was at the center of this tale – a vigilante just beginning his crusade against Gotham’s deep-seated problems, including the Riddler’s murderous rampage and the downfall of crime boss Carmine Falcone. However, Gotham’s problems didn’t end with Falcone’s death. The penguin continues this, examining the power vacuum left by Falcone and the system flaws that plague Gotham.

A huge part of the Penguin is missing from Robert Pattinson’s Batman

Robert Pattinson’s Batman didn’t appear in The Penguin during the aftermath of the Gotham City flood, and his absence is deafening. Gotham has become a hotbed of criminal activity, exacerbated by the murder of Falcone and the city-wide floods caused by the Riddler’s grand plan. This chaos should logically prompt Gotham’s masked vigilante to step up his efforts. However, in The penguinThere is no sign that Batman has intervened to stop the rising tide of lawlessness.

With Falcone’s death, Gotham’s criminal underworld is thrown into turmoil and Oswald Cobb (The Penguin) takes control. Gotham’s situation has seemingly worsened There are fierce power struggles between criminal groups. The fact that this change is uncontrolled and Batman makes no mention of having to face these developments speaks volumes about how Gotham is on its own.

The Penguin confirms that the crime rate in Gotham has increased by 42%

One of the most revealing moments in The penguin occurs in Episode 2, when a radio broadcast reveals a startling statistic: the crime rate in Gotham has increased by 42%. This revelation underscores the full extent of the crisis gripping the city. The significant increase in criminal activity is a direct result of the chaos caused by the floods In The Batman. This catastrophic event has left much of Gotham in ruins, with many residents lacking power, shelter, and basic necessities.

The desperate conditions have become a breeding ground for criminals who are taking full advantage of the power vacuum and lack of law enforcement. Now rising through the ranks, the Penguin is one of the main beneficiaries of Gotham’s descent into chaos Batman’s failure to intervene and restore order after such a catastrophe is becoming increasingly noticeable. Gotham’s streets are more dangerous than ever. Instead of protecting the city and its people, Batman’s previous actions inadvertently contributed to an even darker period in Gotham’s history.

Batman’s Riddler failure cost Gotham a lot of money

Oz Cobb/The Penguin (Colin Farrell) in the Falcone Mausoleum in The Penguin Season 1 Episode 2
Image via Max

Perhaps the most significant flaw of Robert Pattinson’s Batman lies in his handling of the Riddler. Although Batman managed to stop the Riddler’s rampage, he was unable to uncover his grand plan until too late when he unwittingly helped the villain. This led to the murder of Carmine Falcone and the destruction of the seawall turned entire areas into uninhabitable wastelands. Crown Point in particular has been described as “No Man’s Land” A term that evokes the level of devastation and lawlessness that currently grips Gotham.

Batman’s inability to prevent this catastrophe has left a void that Gotham’s criminals are only too happy to fill. The flood’s aftermath has allowed crime families and drug cartels to flood the streets with illegal substances, further corrupting a police force already struggling with rampant corruption. Many Gotham residents are now missing or dead. The crime rate is rising rapidly Entire parts of the city remained uninhabitable.

Although the Riddler is no longer an active threat, the consequences of his actions and Batman’s unwitting aid have brought Gotham to the brink of collapse. With No sign of Batman returning to restore orderGotham is in a state of danger. Instead of creating a safer environment, Batman’s actions merely shifted the balance of power and enabled characters like… the penguin to rise and thrive in the disorder.

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