
His Three Daughters is the best Netflix drama of 2024

His Three Daughters is the best Netflix drama of 2024

It’s that time again Netflix That subscription you’ve been meaning to cancel finally seems worth it. In recent years, Netflix has established a business model in which it releases a few “prestige” dramas each year with little press. So they sit on the menu and collect dust. It’s tragic because the latest version of Netflix His three daughtersShe deserves so much more than this. His three daughters is an excellent exploration of the bonds of sisterhood, the things that go unsaid, and the things that can continue to be left unsaid.

It’s hard to make films that deal with death and grief. A delicate subject requires a light touch, something that expresses the individuality of grief but also how it can unify. His three daughters combines three painfully human performances with a self-awareness of behavior that elevates the material above a simple screamfest. His three daughters doesn’t want to explore what it’s like to die or what anything is like. That would defeat the purpose.

With His three daughtersExploring grief means exploring absence and the many forms it can take. With absence comes a silence that some films would assume needs to be filled. His three daughters remains in the uncomfortable silence of familiarity that shows the family dynamic not for what it could be, but for what it is. Why should you watch His three daughters? What makes the performances so powerful? How does it explore its themes? Here’s what you need to know:

His three daughters under one roof

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What do you do when the person you’re making small talk with is your sister? And what do you do if, on paper, she’s too close to you for you to make small talk with? His three daughters forces you into that place and lets you soak up the unfortunate awkwardness by keeping a deliberate grip on its characters’ default character types. His three daughters makes it clear which sister is which personality type, and at first it looks like that won’t change. They see through each other’s thinly veiled attempts to deal with their father’s situation, but are so caught up in it that they can’t reach each other.

As the sisters begin to confront each other, His three daughters carefully peels back the layers of what we know about their supposed archetypes to add necessary context. This doesn’t happen overnight and there is no end goal in mind. It’s just three sisters trying to find something in common. The pace of these confrontations in the film builds tension and allows us to see how one sister might underestimate the other. Characterization is always the goal, and His three daughters knows when to give his audience insight into his sisters and individuals.

Who are the three daughters in the Netflix drama?

However, portraying family dynamics on screen can be difficult His three daughters finds a way to do this without sacrificing or denigrating any of them. His three daughters gives us the space we need to see what makes these women tick and what comforts they seek, and tells us everything we need to know about who they are.

So if they’re all in the same room, we know who they’d rather talk to. The result is a vividly painful depiction of family bonds that only exist because of the family part. The film is not about putting its characters in pointless confrontational situations for its own sake. As we see each sister deal with their grief, we get a glimpse into the past and the suggestion that they have always been this way with each other and alone.

The trio of Natasha Lyonne, Elizabeth Olsen and Carrie Coon hold the film together. His three daughters is a piece set in and around her father’s apartment, and their dynamic is beautifully realized. Focusing on their reactions and how quickly they react to each other shows broken relationships. Things like the tone of voice that suggests sarcasm or sideways glances are uncanny, and the three actresses work beautifully together.

The themes of his three daughters

Director and writer Azazel Jacobs uses techniques like singular framing to isolate the sisters as they try to find time to isolate themselves. Jacobs spends the beginning visually separating the siblings and slowly bringing them closer together in the shot as they try to grow closer as people. Translating something as chaotic as sisterhood into a directorial style risks overcomplicating the film’s essential simplicity. Jacobs’ camera only lurks when they are alone, and seems more curious than judgmental as we watch the three sisters fail to connect with each other.

Love themes aren’t too complicated either. No grand ideas are expressed about what death means. His three daughters wants to explore the comprehensive act of love, but doesn’t want to tell you that this is how love has to be. Much like his understated view of life, love is the answer, but not necessarily the instant cure. We can only hope that these three women realize that they don’t have to be who they think they should be, and that family structures are as fluid as the people who make them up.

Netflixs His three daughters embraces the inexplicable, finds solace in chaos and catharsis in the sequel. It’s a drama with a lot of thoughts and a minimal way of showing it. It’s rare to find a family drama like this that resists the temptation to exaggerate or find reason in behavior. Most of the time it is what it is and His three daughters shows us that you don’t have to say anything big to your sister or declare your love for her. Sometimes a look is enough. One look can be enough. His three daughters is now streaming on Netflix.

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