
DHS releases over half a million criminal illegal immigrants into the United States, including murderers, rapists and burglars

DHS releases over half a million criminal illegal immigrants into the United States, including murderers, rapists and burglars

In the latest of countless scandals involving illegal immigration, the Biden administration has released over half a million illegal aliens with criminal histories into the United States, 435,719 have been convicted, and another 226,847 have been indicted on pending charges. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), created after 9/11 to protect the country from another terrorist attack, has been targeting foreign criminals in cities around the country, according to DHS’s acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). USA released The agency is charged with “enforcing immigration laws to protect national and public security.” In figures reluctantly made available to Congress, ICE deputy Patrick Lechleitner reveals that as of July 21, 2024, 662,566 non-citizens with criminal histories are on the agency’s “non-detainer list” and therefore at large move the whole country. The data is “beyond troubling,” said Texas Congressman, Republican Tony Gonzales, who forced the DHS to release the records.

Nearly 15,000 of the released illegal immigrants were convicted or charged with murder, more than 20,000 with sexual assault, 60,268 with burglary, theft or robbery, 105,146 with assault, 16,820 with weapons offenses, 3,971 with commercialized sex crimes and 3,372 with kidnapping. Over 126,000 have committed traffic offences, more than 70,000 are in the system for drug offences, 21,106 for fraudulent activity and 12,000 for obstruction of justice. “Under President Biden and his ‘border czar,’ Vice President Harris, DHS law enforcement agencies have been directed to mass release illegal aliens who they know have criminal records or are being charged with serious crimes – and these dangerous, destructive individuals are doing their job . “Way to every city and every state in this country,” said Congressman Mark E. Green of Tennessee, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, who recently revealed the alarming DHS statistics. “How many more Americans must die or be victimized before this administration is forced to abide by the laws it swore to uphold? This is madness. This is something that no civilized, well-functioning society should tolerate.”

Lechleitner tells federal lawmakers that his agency uses some guidelines to set detentions, noting that “most noncitizens convicted of murder are typically ineligible for release from ICE custody under a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act.” “. If that measure doesn’t apply, ICE officials could use their discretion in deciding custody and conditionally release noncitizens, the deputy director says, adding that custody decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and individual circumstances and risks take into account escape, threats to national security and threats to public safety. “ICE also considers other factors, including whether a noncitizen has a serious illness, is the primary caretaker of minor children, or other humanitarian considerations,” Lechleitner wrote in the letter detailing the latest immigration crime statistics. He also criticizes local sanctuaries that refuse to honor requests for ICE detention, even for illegal immigrants convicted of serious crimes that pose a constant threat to public safety.

Even if they harm immigration enforcement, local sanctuary policies alone cannot be held responsible for the release of hundreds of thousands of criminal aliens into unsuspecting American communities. It’s simply part of the Biden administration’s expansive open borders policy, which has admitted record-breaking numbers — over 7 million and counting — of illegal immigrants into the country. Just a few weeks ago, the House Homeland Security Committee released a sensational report documenting the Biden-Harris administration’s unprecedented border crisis, which has allowed droves of violent gang members, Islamic terrorists, tens of thousands of Chinese nationals and countless criminals into the country. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is on track to record more than 11.6 million encounters with illegal immigrants by the end of the Biden administration, a staggering 274% increase over the 3.1 million encounters between were recorded in the 2017 and 2020 fiscal years, according to the figures in the congressional report. This does not even include the approximately 2 million known “refugees” who entered the country under this government.

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