
The crime survey figures are “an SOS” from victims

The crime survey figures are “an SOS” from victims

The results of the first “victim survey” are a wake-up call for the criminal justice system – said the designated Crime Victims Commissioner, Geraldine Hanna.

Figures released today show that more than 60 percent of respondents believe the police did not properly investigate crimes committed against them.

The survey paints a bleak picture of public trust in the criminal justice system.

It shows some stark findings that have been described as a wake-up call for the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland

Not a single respondent was very confident that the system could be of use to them.

Half were dissatisfied with the way they were treated by the public prosecutor

Only one percent of respondents believed that they received sufficient support during the legal process;

Only seven percent were fairly confident that the criminal justice system can help victims of crime.

The commissioner-designate said: “This must be a wake-up call for every part of our system.

“From our elected leaders to criminal justice agencies, we need a fundamental change in the way crime victims are treated here.

“There is no doubt in my mind that the failure to care and support victims has contributed to victims’ low trust in the system and its ability to deliver justice.

One victim who took part in the first victim interview said: “My experience was so damaging that I felt like a small fish in a tank full of sharks constantly circling.”

“I don’t want anyone else to be treated the way I was.”

Geraldine Hanna added: “Although there was some positive feedback from victims, the overall assessment was one of inconsistent delivery of essential services.”

“Unfortunately, there is no part of our criminal justice system that is well received.

“The Crime Victims Commissioner in England recently published the results of its survey and it was shocking that only 27% of respondents were confident that the criminal justice system was effective.

“Here in Northern Ireland the corresponding figure is seven percent.

“In England, 38 percent of respondents were confident that the criminal justice system was fair. In Northern Ireland it is only eight percent.

“There are challenges to our criminal justice system when it comes to resources, but there are opportunities we need to improve.

“We need changes to the law to better protect victims’ privacy when it comes to the disclosure of third-party information and changes to criminal laws.

“We also need a commitment from Westminster that we have a funding model that supports a fit-for-purpose criminal justice system.

“But on a simpler level, we need to look at how our system continually fails to get the basics right, and that’s not good enough.

“Behind these results are real people who showed amazing courage in coming forward and telling their stories.

“I truly hope that those in positions of power and influence heed this SOS message from crime victims and make the changes we so desperately need.”

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