
Marape warns foreigners against engaging in criminal activities

Marape warns foreigners against engaging in criminal activities

FOREIGNERS have been warned against becoming involved in crime if they arrive in Papua New Guinea.

The latest foreign national to be deported and blacklisted from re-entering PNG is Jaime Pang.

About four foreigners are currently in Bomana Prison outside Port Moresby for various cross-border crimes, including the pilot of the ill-fated cocaine plane, David John Cutmore, who was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Prime Minister James Marape said the involvement of foreign nationals in cross-border crimes in PNG was worrying, particularly if caught “they will face the full legal laws of this country”.

The recent cocaine trafficking conviction in Port Moresby in 2020 of an Italian is one of the examples referred to by Mr Marape.

He said: “If you are caught, the law will deal with you accordingly and the courts will sentence as necessary. “This applies equally to foreign nationals living in PNG who are involved in such illegal activities.”

Police Commissioner David Manning said he was sending a clear message to drug smugglers trying to transport contraband across PNG that they would be caught and spend a long time in prison.

“Gone are the days when foreign criminals destroy our sovereignty and think they can just walk around free. Today they will be caught and will learn what tough justice is all about,” he said.
The four foreigners who are in the cell for drug trafficking are either on trial or have been convicted.

Italian Carlos D’Attanasio was sentenced to 19 years in prison with light labor, and with time already served, that amounts to just over 14 years and 10 months.

Cutmore was sentenced to 18 years in prison in October 2022 after “pleading guilty to charges of money laundering through cocaine use.”

Other foreigners in Bomana include Malaysian Leong Aufong, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison, and Tang Khen Soon, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Both were charged with possession of 124.75 kilograms of methamphetamine. Other foreign nationals are being held on drug and other charges while they await trial.

Police Commissioner David Manning said the smuggling of cocaine, methamphetamines and other drugs in Papua New Guinea and countries such as Australia is taking lives and must be stopped at all costs.

“Drugs are killing our children, destroying families and ruining communities, which is why we are all working together to lock up the scumbags who are smuggling and selling the drugs,” Mr Manning said.

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