
Every child in Crown Heights deserves to go to school

Every child in Crown Heights deserves to go to school

From the Inbox: A Crown Heights parent shares the frustration of many parents struggling to get their child to school and offers some possible solutions we as a community need to consider.

From a Crown Heights parent

In recent years a situation has arisen among some members of Anash in Crown Heights. When children and teachers say their final goodbyes at the end of the school year, some families experience uncertainty, leading to worry and stress. While their neighbors, friends and possibly even siblings have a place to go in school next fall, there are children who don’t yet have a place in school. When they longingly approach the school and ask them to accept their child, they are often turned away anyway.

Ultimately, the core problem appears to be due to a lack of space. Due to community growth and increasing demand for educational places, many schools simply cannot accommodate all the children who wish to enroll.

This situation has sparked important discussions in our community about the need for greater access to education for all children. In a recent article, discussions about a meeting with (then) potential members of the Vaad Hakahal and local Rabbonim of Crown Heights highlighted various concerns facing the community. One of the most pressing issues highlighted by the Rabbonim was the lack of space in our schools for every child. The Rabbonim emphasized the community’s responsibility to ensure that every child in Crown Heights receives quality chinuch.

From discussing this issue with various community members, it is clear that the problem of limited educational space primarily affects girls in our community, and this problem is significantly more widespread than many believe.

Gone are the days when individuals like Reb Itche Goldin had to go door to door to convince parents to send their daughters to the local girls’ school. Today, the dilemma, Boruch Hashem, is just the opposite, and the challenge largely revolves around lack of space and finding enough physical space to accommodate the growing number of students.

To effectively address this pressing issue, we need to consider several solutions:

One approach is for existing schools to expand their facilities, an approach that some local boys’ schools have recently undertaken with success. However, this decision is the responsibility of the school administration and not the broader community. If there were already expansion plans, this article would be unnecessary.

Another viable, if challenging, option is for members of the Crown Heights community to establish new schools. As we acknowledge and acknowledge the community’s existing commitments and challenges – supporting various local and broader causes, including Shluchim’s fundraising efforts – it is becoming increasingly clear that the creation of additional educational facilities is now a critical need. This step would reduce overcrowding and ensure access to education for every child in our community.

Historically, new schools in our community have been met with resistance. At this point, however, all parties must recognize that our community has grown to the point where the new schools have become a blessing. The original schools can no longer accommodate all of our community’s children, and the newer schools have created additional space to ensure more children have access to a quality education.

Every year there are families and children in our community who suffer the burden of securing a place for their child in school. This fear puts a strain on the child, the parents and, as a result, the entire family suffers.

Additionally, this shortage not only causes stress for families, but also hinders our ability to provide quality Chinuch to every child in our community.

Addressing this space challenge is critical to ensuring all children have access to the education they deserve. By focusing on expanding existing facilities or establishing new schools, we can alleviate these pressures and fulfill our commitment to the educational needs of every child. It is important that we take action now to create a supportive and nurturing environment for all families in Crown Heights, where every child can thrive and fulfill their potential.

As our community overcomes these challenges, it is imperative for us as a community to address this urgent need in order to uphold the legacy of the Crown Heights Mosdos in providing Chinuch to all of their children. Because we as a community have a responsibility to ensure that no child is left without a place in school and that every child receives an exceptional chinuch. It is therefore our common duty to support the expansion of existing schools or to enable the establishment of new schools.

It is important that we take a proactive approach and address this issue at the beginning of the year rather than waiting until the end when time for meaningful action is limited. By raising awareness now, we can take concrete steps to ensure every child has a place in school. In order to find solutions, be it the expansion of existing facilities or the establishment of new schools, early discussions and planning are essential. Let’s work together to ensure our community is prepared and no child is left without the educational opportunities they deserve.

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