
The Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 did not resign – he was fired for cause

The Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 did not resign – he was fired for cause

RealClear Politics reports that Paul Dans, the former director of Project 2025 at the Heritage Foundation, has not actually resigned, as was reported back in July – he was instead fired for his overbearing attitude toward colleagues and professional misconduct:

Dans joined the initiative with the major goal of uniting the huge constellation of different conservative groups around him “a deep consensus on issues.” He left persona non grata after a two-year term marked by public feuds with the Trump campaign and a concentrated effort by Democrats to make Project 2025 an election year for Republicans.

But political controversies were not the reason for his departure, as previously reported. Dans was instead fired from Heritage after an investigation found repeated incidents of professional misconduct and mistreatment of colleagues. The relationship has since deteriorated.

According to multiple sources, Dans often directed his anger primarily at women and described a pattern of displays of anger that boiled over at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in July.

A meeting there among Heritage Foundation representatives went awry when Dans began berating and berating colleagues over what he perceived as their poor performance. The tense encounter ended when Heritage President Kevin Roberts intervened and warned Dans that personal attacks were unacceptable.

This is pretty rich, coming from the person who actually bragged to others that he once killed a neighbor’s dog with a shovel just because he barked too much.

According to Dans, “The Heritage Foundation scapegoated me to cover up their own mishandling of the Project 2025 PR fiasco,” he said in an email to RCP. “The statements you made to me are false and it appears that the Heritage Foundation continues to ruin my good name and professional reputation for their own benefit.”

Seriously, dude – do you really think you have any “good name” or “professional reputation” left at this point, after putting together your plan for the fascist bullshit? And trying to extort a $3.5 million severance package from your employer even though you were fired for cause?

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