
Steps we take to ensure a safe election

Steps we take to ensure a safe election

As a registrar of voters, we know that confidence in elections has become a matter of great public importance. We have heard your questions and understand the skepticism that has arisen in recent years. We want to let you, our voters, know that we are committed to ensuring that every ballot is counted correctly and that the election process remains transparent, secure and fair.

Elections are not conducted by faceless institutions. They are led by everyday, hard-working people who live in our communities – our colleagues, our neighbors, our friends. We are responsible for conducting elections and we take this responsibility seriously.

We want to share with you why you can trust our election procedures and processes.

Strict checks and balances

We conduct public, state-mandated testing of ballot counting equipment to ensure it reads and tabulates votes correctly. After each election, we hand-count ballots from randomly selected precincts to see if the machine count matches the manual count.

Secure mail-in voting

Our check and balance system also extends to the processing of postal ballots.

If we issue your absentee ballot, it will receive a unique identification number that will only appear on the ballot return envelope. When you return the ballot, our staff will compare the signature on the envelope with the signature on file to ensure authenticity. To ensure our employees can accurately compare signatures, they receive training in forensic signature verification. Signatures marked as non-matching will be re-verified by at least three staff members. Any discrepancy will result in immediate contact with the voter to resolve the issue before the identification envelope is opened.

Once we have verified your signature and determined that you have not yet voted in this election, only then will the ballot be separated from the identification envelope and processed for tabulation. Your voting history is part of your voter file and is updated in real time. If we find that you have not yet voted in the current election, we will credit you with your vote. Our staff will mark you as a voter in our system and this information will be immediately sent to the Secretary of State. If you move within the county or state, your voting history will also change.

Transparency on every level

Transparency is a pillar of election administration. Every step of the process is open to the public. Anyone can observe all aspects of the election process, including counting ballots, testing the ballot scanner and canvassing, an internal audit required by state law. We also encourage people to apply to be poll workers to see firsthand our commitment to fairness.

We are also committed to publishing election night results and continuing to post updates until all eligible ballots are counted. During canvassing, we will continue to count ballots postmarked on or before Election Day, as long as those ballots are received up to seven days after the election (no later than November 12). This election requires all counties to certify their final election results 28 days after the election (December 3), which gives us time to complete ballot counting and post-election manual counting, and also gives voters time to correct any deficiencies their signatures.

Constant improvements

We continually work to improve election security and continually update our procedures to stay one step ahead of potential threats. Our voting systems go through a detailed certification process and we work with cybersecurity experts to ensure our systems are protected from any intrusion.

We also welcome public feedback and have made improvements based on suggestions from voters and election observers. Your trust is critical to a functioning democracy, and we are committed to earning and maintaining it.

Opportunities to get involved

As always, we are here to answer your questions. Your voice is important. As your poll workers, our job is to ensure your ballots are secure and counted so that voice can be heard on Election Day.

Further information can be found at:

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