
Inflation is not dead, it is just dormant

Inflation is not dead, it is just dormant

LONDON, Oct 18 (Reuters Breakingviews) – Over the past three years, inflation has gone from “transitory” to “persistent” to, well, boring. In industrialized countries, annual price increases are trending back towards the moderate level of 2% that many central banks are aiming for. Commentators talk about the Goldilocks scenario, in which the economy, like the porridge in a fairy tale, is neither too hot nor too cold.

However, don’t break out the champagne just yet. There is a long history of monetary policymakers prematurely celebrating the end of inflation, only to be surprised by its sudden resurgence. Perhaps the best example comes from the early 1970s.

In the late 1960s, inflation increased in the United States as a result of the Vietnam War and spending on President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society social programs. The Federal Reserve responded by raising interest rates to nearly 10% in 1969. A brief recession and stock market collapse followed. Inflation declined, falling to 2.7% by 1971 – close to its current level. At the end of the year, the Fed’s official key interest rate was back at 3%. Large-cap stocks boomed. Then all hell broke loose. In 1974, inflation reached 10%, interest rates peaked at over 13%, “Nifty Fifty” stocks collapsed, and a severe recession occurred.

There are several factors that explain the dramatic rise in inflation. In 1971, the dollar lost its currency anchor after President Richard Nixon closed the so-called gold window, ending the convertibility of the US dollar into the precious metal. At the same time, during his successful re-election campaign in 1972, Nixon put pressure on Fed Chairman Arthur Burns to stimulate the US economy. Both Nixon and Burns prioritized low unemployment over price stability. The following year, OPEC imposed an embargo on oil-importing countries that had supported Israel during the Yom Kippur War. The price of the black stuff tripled.

The Fed initially responded to the energy crisis by lowering interest rates. Economist Milton Friedman and others later criticized this approach. However, if the Federal Reserve had prevented other price increases, the entire economy might have collapsed. Also a current study by the International Monetary Fundopens new tab notes that historical cases of “unresolved” inflation are often associated with energy shocks.
Line graph showing change in inflation and federal funds rate

In their 1983 book “Is Inflation Over: Are You Ready?” A. Gary Shilling and Kiril Sokoloff pointed to several other factors that were driving up prices. These included support programs for agricultural and dairy products as well as tariffs on sugar and Japanese steel. A variety of regulations increased the cost of doing business. In 1971, Nixon introduced price and income controls, which, as expected, failed to stem the tide of inflation. Cost-of-living adjustments to Social Security benefits and the minimum wage protected much of the American population from the devastating effects of inflation. Workers went on strike to maintain their wage differentials. Productivity growth was halved. The weak dollar drove up import prices. Most of these inflationary forces were self-reinforcing.

Shilling and Sokoloff describe a historical connection between the state’s increasing share of the economic pie, which reached about 40% of US GDP in 1980, and the price spiral. The central bank played a supporting role. After his resignation in 1978, Burns complainedopens new tab that the “Federal Reserve itself was caught up in the philosophical and political currents that were transforming American life and culture.” At this point, however, Americans were more concerned about inflation than job losses. Under its chairman Paul Volcker, the central bank was tasked with driving inflation out of the system, a feat it accomplished with sky-high interest rates, two severe recessions and rising unemployment.
Today is not a redux of 1973. Still, there are some interesting similarities. The thicket of government regulations is becoming increasingly dense. China and the other members of the so-called “Global South” of developing countries are hatching plans to break the US dollar’s hold on the international monetary system. Inflation-dampening wage increases continue to make headlines. Earlier this month, U.S. longshoremen ended their strike after receiving a 62% wage increase. Boeing employees have rejected an offer from the troubled plane maker for a 30% pay raise. Vice President Kamala Harris is promising a crackdown on corporate price gouging if she wins next month’s presidential election, which to some sounds suspiciously like reinstating price controls. Her opponent Donald Trump wants high tariffs on imported goods and an additional penalty for Chinese imports.
Meanwhile, another war is shaking the Middle East. Even if this does not immediately disrupt oil supplies in the Gulf, the medium-term sustainability of oil supplies remains questionable. Exxon Mobil has warnedopens new tab possible oil shortages by 2030 due to insufficient new investment – ​​although the International Energy Agency disagrees. According to Eurostat, the switch to renewable energy has helped electricity costs in the European Union rise by 45% since 2020. As in the 1970s, higher energy costs – exacerbated by Russia’s war with Ukraine – are making large parts of Europe’s manufacturing base redundant. According to Andy Lees of MacroStrategy Partnership, German industrial production has fallen 14% since its peak in 2017.
A bar chart showing electricity prices in Europe from 2019 to the first half of 2024
National debt is much higher than it was five decades ago. The IMF expects total government debt to reach $100 trillion by the end of this year. Last year, the U.S. budget deficit was $1.6 trillion, or 6.3% of GDP. John Cochrane of Stanford University, whose “Fiscal Theoryopens new tab” posits a connection between excessive government spending and inflation and believes that it is not a matter of if inflation will return, but when.

Sokoloff, the founder and CEO of investment advisor 13D Research & Strategy, successfully turned around inflation forty years ago. He’s not so confident today. In his view, we are seeing a cyclical downturn. Enormous secular drivers for higher prices remain. Deglobalization, rearmament, de-dollarization, population aging, climate change and energy transition will continue to put upward pressure on inflation in the coming years. As in the early 1970s, there is no political desire for high real interest rates to keep prices under control or for austerity to bring government finances under control.

Gold, says Sokoloff, has long been a reliable barometer of both inflation and deflation. Since the beginning of the year, the price of the yellow metal has risen by almost 30%. It shows us, says the veteran analyst, that four decades of disinflation are over and bonds are now in a long-term, secular bear market. Inflation is not dead, it is just dormant.

A line chart showing the change in gold prices from 2019 to October 2024
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Edited by Peter Thal Larsen and Pranav Kiran

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