
Russia could attack NATO by 2030

Russia could attack NATO by 2030

Bruno Kahl, head of the BND’s foreign intelligence service, warned that Russia would likely increase its efforts to hinder Ukraine’s Western partners and attack NATO by 2030.

We know that

Germany is the second largest donor of aid to Ukraine after the USA. As a result, the country is increasingly becoming a target for Russian espionage and sabotage activities.

“Whether we like it or not, we are in direct confrontation with Russia,” Bruno Kahl, head of the BND’s foreign intelligence service, said at a parliamentary hearing.

President Vladimir Putin’s long-term goal is to weaken the West, Kahl said, while a military clash with NATO “becomes an option for Russia.”

German military personnel. Photo: Army

“The Russian armed forces will probably be in a position to launch an attack on NATO by the end of the decade at the latest,” said Kahl.

The heads of German domestic and military intelligence were also present at the hearing in the Bundestag.

“Russian espionage and sabotage in Germany is increasing qualitatively and quantitatively,” said domestic intelligence chief Thomas Galdenwang.

Galdenwang also said that Russia was involved in disinformation campaigns. In addition, it uses drones to spy on critical German infrastructure and recruits people, including from the world of organized crime.

source: n-tv

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