
Emergency guidelines after police cell deaths

Emergency guidelines after police cell deaths

[InTime News]

After two fatal incidents, Attica police issued an urgent directive on prison security on Friday.

A Pakistani prisoner died under unknown circumstances at Agios Panteleimon police station, while a Bangladeshi national committed suicide in Omonia district.

The police order acknowledged “significant failings and deviations” in current procedures that undermine police credibility.

It emphasizes the need for stricter security measures and directs officers to conduct thorough searches of detainees and their belongings and monitor food deliveries.

The Pakistani, who was arrested three days earlier, reportedly had bruises on his body. His family’s lawyer claims he was beaten to death by police. The 29-year-old Bangladeshi prisoner was found hanging in his cell, although his country’s diplomatic officials question the suicide story.

The order also emphasizes the importance of assessing inmates’ risk factors and maintaining ongoing communication with those at risk of self-harm or escape.

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