
Mexican Coke was pulled from the tour due to insults and assault

Mexican Coke was pulled from the tour due to insults and assault

Hardcore punk group Mexican Coke has been banned from touring with fentanyl following reports that the former band’s singer hurled racist and homophobic slurs and attacked the audience at a recent show.

Fentanyl singer Kenny Turner shared a post on social media yesterday (October 6) stating that Mexican Coke are no longer touring. Asbestos, one of the other opening acts, will now serve as direct support for Fentanyl for the remainder of the tour.

Yes, these are all real band names.

Although Turner didn’t explain in his post why Mexican Coke are no longer part of the tour, reports have surfaced online from fans that the band’s singer, whose name is Carlos, played during their show Saturday night in Salt Lake City.

A person who claimed to have attended the show wrote a post on the Hardcore Reddit page titled “Mexican Coke singer got his ass beaten in SLC tonight,” which claimed the singer had been drinking heavily, insulted the audience and refused to perform until he was given more to drink.

“After a song and a half of drunken mumbling, people start throwing beer cans and one of the drunk punks came on stage and started hitting him. Several other people came to help both sides and it ended with the singer’s shirt being ripped off,” the post continued.

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Someone else shared a screenshot of the post

Check out another post with footage from the night below.

Mexican Coke has not yet commented on the reports.

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Gallery Credit: Various

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