
Police operation: September 26th – October 2nd

Police operation: September 26th – October 2nd

A student fainted in the anatomy lab in the life sciences building. After regaining consciousness, she was treated by university emergency services and was able to return to her school work.

Two players collided on North University Fields and hit their heads. Both were treated and released.

A woman fell while roller skating at the Wilkinson Student Center. She was treated by university emergency services and returned to her home.

A male student was playing soccer at the indoor practice facility when he twisted his ankle. University EMS responded and he was released to a friend.

A student at LSB became sick and university emergency services responded.

A student tripped and fell outside the BYU Conference Center and hit his head. University Emergency Medical Services responded and treated the patient before releasing him.

An office responded to a skateboarding accident on Lot 34. Provo Fire transported the patient to Utah Valley Hospital.

University EMS assisted a sick person at the Harold B. Lee Library. EMS extricated the patient and took him back to his apartment.

An officer responded to a man who hit his head while playing flag football at North University Fields. Coincidentally, another man playing flag football dislocated his elbow. Both patients were taken by ambulance to Utah Valley Hospital.

Agency support
Provo police responded to a call about a student who was reportedly suicidal. The student was located and transported to Utah Valley Hospital for involuntary commitment.

A student on a scooter was struck by a vehicle in a crosswalk. Officers used surveillance footage to locate the vehicle and driver involved. The vehicle is a medium-sized white SUV of unknown make and model.

There was a hit-and-run accident on property 37 in which the front bumper was thrown off the vehicle. The officers were unable to locate a suspect.

Two vehicles collided east of Lot 254. Both parties requested surveillance footage.

A woman requested surveillance footage from Wymount Terrace after noticing damage to the bumper of her white 2011 Nissan Sentra.

A minor accident occurred on property 33. A report was filed and the drivers exchanged insurance information.

A vehicle was damaged in the faculty parking lot. Video surveillance is currently being checked.

Property damage
A student employee crashed an extended golf cart into a parked vehicle on the sidewalk. All parties were contacted and a report was made to risk management.

A school bus accidentally crashed into a metal pole sign on Lot 45. University Grounds was notified of the damaged sign.

There was a minor traffic accident on property 46. Both parties exchanged information.

An Enrollment Services employee reported receiving inappropriate phone calls that were sexual in nature. The case has been referred to the investigation to see if the caller can be identified.

A suspicious man was observed in the area during an event at the Richards Building. An officer located the man who appeared to be involved in the event.

An unidentified adult female was located in the key office. She is believed to have suffered from mental health issues and left the area without further action from police.

Youth problem
It was reported that teenagers were skating in an area near the RB and prevented university staff from preparing for an event. When they were asked to leave by university police, they cooperated.

Traffic offense
Four people were found to be riding electric motorcycles on campus. After educating her about electric motorcycle laws and campus policy and receiving a verbal warning, the group left the area.

Unsafe premises
It turned out that the IPF doors were unlocked and unsecured. An event was taking place there that was supposed to last until 1 a.m. but ended early.

welfare check
An officer responded to a report that a complainant’s boyfriend had not responded to his text message while on a date. The officer was able to make contact with the individual and he or she was OK.

Dispatch was unable to contact a security officer at the Broadcast Building and dispatched an officer to conduct a welfare check. The officer was able to locate the security guard at his desk and no further action was taken.

Abandoned emergency call
University police were dispatched to an aborted 911 call. Upon arrival, they discovered that a child had accidentally called 911.

Found property
An officer was handed a student ID card found near a bus stop. The owner was contacted and the card was returned.

Lost property was found at CONF and duly returned to its owner.

University Police responded to an active assault at the Y Trailhead. The suspect was taken into custody and treated by Provo Fire and University EMS. He was taken to hospital for treatment of self-inflicted head injuries and was involuntarily admitted.

person found
A child was found at the Student Health Center. The child was able to provide information to the SHC to locate the parent.

Citizen contact
A disturbing call was reported to BYU IT Services saying the caller made a statement about self-harm. Customer service responded to the situation and University Police filed an incident report.

A complainant reported that his bicycle was stolen. It was located in the university’s confiscation yard.

One student reported that his bike was tied to a bike rack on campus for more than a week. University security opened the lock and the other bike was confiscated.

Support the public
A five-year-old accidentally locked herself in the toilet at Wymount Laundry Building 5. Officers used a Halligan tool to pick the lock and pry the door open. The child was fine.

A Budge Hall student was forced into the stairwell by five Merrill Hall residents in Merrill Hall. The attackers could not be identified by the victim.

There was reportedly a car with swastika symbols on lot 26G. The owner of the vehicle was identified and the symbol was identified as the equilateral cross.

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