
Thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of murder and rape walk free on the country’s streets

Thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of murder and rape walk free on the country’s streets

Immigration and Customs Control (ICE) Data provided to lawmakers this week showed this Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with felony convictions, Homicides and sexual crimes are currently rampant on the country’s streets.

The figures published by this agency to Rep. Tony Gonzales show that there are some more than 7 million illegal immigrants on the “non-detainee” list.This means that these people are not in custody, even though many of them have a deportation order or pending immigration proceedings.

24 01143 ICE’s signed response… from Veronica Silveri

662,566 illegal immigrants with criminal records

Within this group of “non-detainees,” the number that has caused the most concern is the 662,566 illegal immigrants with criminal records 425,431 have already been convicted various crimes and another Criminal charges are pending against 222,141.

Among the 425,431 convicted are notable 62,231 for assault56,533 for drug offenses, 14,301 for robbery and the most shocking number: 13,099 illegal immigrants convicted of murder. In addition, 2,521 people were convicted of kidnapping 15,811 sexual assaults. That means there are thousands of dangerous criminals currently widespread in US communities.

“Americans deserve to be SAFE in their own communities.”

Representative Gonzales expressed shock at the seriousness of the situation and the lack of action in this regard in a press release Crisis caused by the Biden-Harris administration. “As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 non-citizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national file – 13,099 criminally convicted MURDERS! … Americans deserve to be SAFE in our own communities.”

On the other hand, ICE A separate statement highlighted how worrying it is that the “Protected Area” policies Adopted by multiple states and cities across the country help protect these criminals:

Safeguards can end up protecting dangerous criminals who often prey on the same communities.

In conversation with Fox, Mark Green, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee condemned this in the strongest possible terms The failed immigration policies of the Biden-Harris administration.

It may be shocking to hear that the Biden-Harris administration is actively releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal immigrants into our communities, but its own numbers conclusively prove this is the case. This defies all common sense. … Under President Biden and his “border czar,” Vice President Harris, DHS law enforcement agencies have been directed to mass release illegal aliens who they know have criminal convictions or are being charged with serious crimes – and those are dangerous, destructive ones people find their way to every city and every state in this country. How many more Americans must die or be victimized before this administration is forced to abide by the laws it swore to uphold? This is madness. This is something that no civilized, well-functioning society should tolerate.

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